If One Only Knew the Right Way to Comprehension- Fluency for older students

If Students Practiced Reading Out Loud

Asking a student to read out loud allows an instructor to

-diagnose  individual reading fluency and provide guidance on improving fluidity.

-identify the initial level of reading and pin point difficult  areas that limit progression.

Allows teachers  to pay attention to pace and enunciation.

Once a student completes a passage, the instructor must  him or her to explain the reading, ensuring that both speech and comprehension are satisfactory.


If Students Only Knew how to Practice Choral Reading for Repetition

. Students who reread passages multiple times sharpen their ability to decode words and increase sight vocabulary.

During a choral reading session, teaching technique is centered on repetition,

students and teachers read out loud together, and students follow the pace of their instructor.

As they read each sentence, students trace the words with their finger. Connecting speech with phrases on paper is particularly helpful for students who learn at a slower pace.


If Students developed a routine of Partner Reading

Working with another student introduces peer feedback and individual attention, and it allows students to share their strengths.

To make the most of each partner reading session, students have to manage their time and learn to provide helpful tips.

-reciprocal teaching (summarizer, clarifier, question generator, predictor)


Teachers also maximize learning by grouping students based on their reading level. Strong readers are paired with weaker ones, so that fluid students can demonstrate the appropriate reading pace and lead by example.


If Students participated in Cloze Reading technique to assess reading skills

Instructors use the cloze reading method to improve analytical and critical thinking and struggling  students are not singled out.

By forcing students to pay attention to each word, the instructor helps them pull meaning from the reading.

During a cloze reading session:

-an instructor skips words from a passage

-asks students to read the missing word together.

Alternately, a teacher prepares assignments for students, giving them the opportunity to silently fill in the blank with a word that makes sense.




Fluency may be defined as “reasonably accurate reading,
at an appropriate rate, with suitable expression, that leads to
accurate and deep comprehension and motivation to read”
(Hasbrouck & Glaser, 2012, p. 13)


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